
What is criminal law?

Criminal law is the legal body of knowledge that establishes the principles for the creation, interpretation and enforcement of criminal laws (even in private cases); it offers judges a system to guide their decisions, which contains and reduces punitive power in order to promote the development of the constitutional state based on the rule of law.

What does Rotger Law Firm offer?

We offer the best advice and assistance to our clients. We specialise in criminal law. The vision developed by this sole proprietorship is based on specialisation. For this reason, we believe it is essential to have extensive and continuous legal training in order to be able to provide our clients with a quality service. We are known for treating all our clients with absolute transparency, professionalism and confidentiality.

Other definitions for Criminal Law

Franz von Liszt

German lawyer and politician


The set of legal rules established by the State, which associate crime as fact, with punishment as a legitimate consequence.

Ricardo Nuñez

Chilean politician


The branch of law that regulates the public power to punish, establishing what is punishable and its consequences.

Luis Jiménez de Asúa

Spanish lawyer and politician


The set of legal norms and provisions that regulate the exercise of the State’s sanctioning and preventive powers.


C/ General Riera, 44, 1ºA, 07003, Palma


971 49 84 60
646 68 81 09


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